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How to set up the kiosk check-in process for appointments

If you are using the WaitWell kiosk functionality you can allow for your customers to check-in onsite for their booked appointments. This reduces the need for a customer to text "2" or press "I'm ready" from their phone in order to check-in.

To set up this functionality on your kiosks:

  1. Navigate to Client/App settings

  2. Select the Kiosk Settings tab

  3. Select the checkbox indicating "Show button for indicating arrival for appointment"

How this adjusts your existing kiosk workflow:

  • When set the flow on the Kiosk app changes from Start -> Intro Page (optional) -> Location Chooser (optional) -> joining a queue to Start -> Intro Page (optional) -> Location Chooser (optional) -> Choose between "Joining a Queue" and "I'm here for my appointment".

  • Selecting "Joining a Queue" will take you to selecting a line like normal

  • Selecting "I'm here for my appointment" will lead to a flow that asks for first name and phone number.

  • The system will try to find an appointment that has a first name and phone number as filled by the user.

  • Upon success a message will be returned giving a ticket number and that the user has been marked as arrived.

  • Upon failure a message will be returned saying that the appointment wasn't found.

NOTE: If a user has multiple appointments in the same day, we will mark the user as arrived for only the first appointment of that day.